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    What Class to Choose, for Sage
    06/11/2007, 03:23 PM
    What Class to Choose, for Sage 
    Rtothef avatar Posts count: 14 Yes, ok. In RO1, I was a sage, and I see in the RO2 database that their are sages in RO2. And i was wondering if Enchanters turned into Sages? Since there is no Mage class.

    Could anyone help me out?
    What Class do I Choose to become a Sage?
    06/12/2007, 07:32 PM
    VictorGrimst Posts count: 50 I'm pretty sure its Enchanter.
    06/23/2007, 03:39 PM
    Kitteh avatar Posts count: 20 From what I was aware, Enchanters were like a priest.

    I think another race they've yet to implement is more of a magic caster, but that's just what i've understood, I could be off...

    I thought the midgets had magic classes.
    06/24/2007, 07:59 PM
    Elite-Guardian avatar Posts count: 199 an enchanter learns both healing/buff spells and elemental attack spells.
    08/21/2007, 08:03 AM
    MonkaCZ Posts count: 9 They made the classes quite universal dontcha think? Still I will be missing the old ones. And if they won't implement the 2nd classes then I won't even play.
    09/04/2007, 01:59 PM
    wachilai Posts count: 3 i agree with you bro...if they will not implement the 2nd job i will not play. Not unless their will be a wizard class, wizard is my favorite character back in Ragnarok1. If they will not include the wizard i will stick in Ragnarok1..or GRANADO ESPADA ^^
    11/28/2007, 01:44 AM
    zanar Posts count: 3 I don't think that they'll implement the 2nd class systems straight away. I've heard that when RO1 first came out, they had very few 1st classes... and it was nothing like it is today.

    Anyway to answer the poster's question. If you want a sage [support and attacker?] i think enchanter is ur best bet. In the future, after beta, they will be implementing [i think] another race, the Ellr - which is more of a magic caster.
    06/08/2008, 08:46 AM
    shadowxneko avatar Posts count: 5 Something you have to understand is RO2 is a different game to RO1 in many ways. Its like an MMORPG with a RO1 influence. Eventually, Gravity will implement other classes and maybe more races beyond the said three. XD

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