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    Cannot create character...
    08/26/2007, 03:47 AM
    Cannot create character... 
    DarkWestern avatar Posts count: 73 Hello, can anyone help me PLEASE?
    I start to make a character, and when ive gotten it just right I go to click on MAKE CHAR and it loads for a second then stops...
    No error message or anything...
    These forums never give me responses...
    08/26/2007, 05:23 AM
    Auraiken avatar Posts count: 113 I've answered this question on AIM, we figured out that if you type in a name and fill out all the information and then click confirm. If the character creation page sticks, the character name is taken.
    08/27/2007, 07:16 PM
    kimshee avatar Posts count: 118 For some weird reason with the English translation the error message doesn't pop up >__>

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