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    Installation: The Difinitive Guide
    05/29/2007, 12:12 PM
    Installation: The Definitive Guide 
    Shustring Posts count: 9 The Goal

    Getting Started:

    What You Will Need:
    Ragnarok2 Client
    English Translation Kit

    This guide assumes that you already have Applocale installed. It is a pretty straitfoward installation and is available from Microsoft's website

    All other downloads are available on ths site. If you are unable to get the client I'm sure we can set up a transfer through the Yahoo Messanger.
    This Is To Be Used As A Last Resort Only As I Cant Spend The Next 3 Weeks Transfering Clients To People.

    Step 1 : Installing The Client

    Once you have collected all the required components you will want to run the setup.exe for the RagII client.

    Seeing how I cant read Korean I have selected Englis as my Installation language.
    Note: This Language Selection Is For The Installer Not The Client.

    Then we come to the Terms Of Service Agreement. Be Sure To Select That You Agree To The Terms


    Moveing Right Along:
    The Next few steps are just standard configuraion.

    I prefer to use the default install location but it shouldnt be an issue if you choose an alternate location.

    Click install and let it work its magic.

    Ahh, the magic button we have all been waiting for. Just hit Finish and on to the next step.

    Note: Be Sure To Delete The Shortcut That Was Put On The Desktop... We Will Will Discuss This Later

    Step 2: Translateing The Client

    I am currently useing:
    I Should Update it to the 1.05 version but for the sake of the guide I'm useing what I have. So lets unzip that file to your favorite folder and get it ready for use.

    This is the time where you want to copy all files in this folder as you are going to move them into your RagII folder.

    Note: It Is Very Important That You Change The Name On The Data Floder Currently In The RagII Folder It Will Save You Alot Of Heartache If Something Were To Go Wrong Rename It To Databak Or Something Along Those Lines.

    Once all that is done just paste the files into your RagII folder.

    Viola Translation Complete.

    Step 3: Configureing Applocale

    Open your start menu and browse to Applocale.

    Open Applocale and select Launch application.

    Browse to your RagII folder on the applications box and select the RagII.exe

    Once you select that just hit next and you will go to the language selection.
    Mine automaticly selected Korean but yours may not so be sure your text in the listbox matches mine.

    All that is left no is to check the box that says: Always Run Application With Applocale And Hit Finish.

    Once you hit Finish the Patch Client should load and begin updateing.

    Note: I Dont Know What This Says But I Hit Yes And Update Begins.

    Just wait for it to finish and contenue to the Final Step.

    Step 4: Running The English Version And Makeing The Icon Pretty Again.

    Lets start by creating our new game shortcut. Browse to your ragnarok folder and right click the .bat file

    When the menu pops up you will got to Send To, Create Shortcut "Desktop".

    That will put you new shrtcut on the desktop. Now its time to get rid of that icon.

    Right click the new shortcut and select Propertys ans then Change Icon

    When the icon window pops up there will be a buch of icons but were not going to use them so click the browse button.

    All that is left is to browse to your RagII folder and select the RagII.exe
    and hit open. The neew icon will appear in the icon box. Select it, hit Ok and Apply.

    And Now You Are Done.

    Note: When You Patch Your Client Through The Patcher You Have To Repaste The Translation Package. I Am Assuming That This Is Due To Some Of The Files Being Overwritten.

    Now If I can Get My Account I Will Join You Guys. Gotta Learn A Little Korean Or Find A Good Way To Translate The Site. I'm Not A Big Fan Of Registering Blind With Info That Isn't Mine.

    Or Maby My Buddy Will Come Throug And Get One Of His Korean Friends To Register Me An Account.

    Either Way Good Luck And Hope To Join You All Soon.

    05/30/2007, 05:30 AM
    Shustring Posts count: 9 After A Little More Research I Have Found That You Do Use The Default EXE. So You Can Proboly Ship All Of Step 4 And Just Run With A Shortcut Fom Applocale. I Guess The .bat Files Were In There For Testing And Development Seeing How They Point Back To Local Loopback.
    06/04/2007, 08:51 PM
    henroid87 Posts count: 1 Hmm, I followed all your steps. When its patching does it stop for a while?
    06/04/2007, 09:58 PM
    xenocide avatar Posts count: 19 Starting from the batch file causes an unable to connect error, you need to start from applocale or make a shortcut to:

    C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\AppLoc.exe "C:\Program Files\Gravity\RagII\Ragnarok2.exe" "/L0412"
    06/05/2007, 02:51 PM
    n1c0l4z avatar Posts count: 89 I saw a topic of snowman where he said that vista users have to unstall vista, well, I don´t know it at all......I´m just saying..
    06/05/2007, 06:40 PM
    n1c0l4z avatar Posts count: 89 xenocide, see the diferece :

    06/05/2007, 09:20 PM
    Zero avatar Posts count: 9 when i get to the part with the apploc program, it doesnt seem i can do it becasue i dont have the korean language pack,( for one thing the korean letters come out as boxes ) so when i pick what i assume is korean, it says i need to install the language pack, and when i do, i insert my os cd and when im isntalling it it says there are files missing T_T , any one have any idea?
    06/05/2007, 09:25 PM
    n1c0l4z avatar Posts count: 89 I have this same problem, Try looking in the C:/WINDOWS for those files......well, if doesn´t work, good luck.
    06/05/2007, 10:00 PM
    Zero avatar Posts count: 9 and u havnt found any kind of solution either and cant play?
    06/05/2007, 10:07 PM
    Zero avatar Posts count: 9 i think if it was in the windows folder i wouldnt be having these problems in the first place -.-

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