Saga RO2 Sucks | |
07/02/2008, 12:08 AM | |
Umika ![]() |
^^ I'm thinking of building a better RO2 emulator and Server than Saga/EuphRO2. :D P.S Happy Belate Birthday Feora. |
07/02/2008, 03:34 PM | Re: |
Feora ![]() |
Quote (Umika)
^^ I'm thinking of building a better RO2 emulator and Server than Saga/EuphRO2. :DP.S Happy Belate Birthday Feora. Oh thank you~ I'm sorry that the people on EuphRO2 were so disrespectful towards you, I had the same issues myself. The particular guy "FourtySeven" had been begging me for a kRO2 account, even got my MSN and attempted to speak with me. I won't be helping him out anymore that's for sure. We should hang out in game sometime, I can help you level up if you want ^^ Whisper Feora whenever you get the chance, have a nice day :D |
07/02/2008, 06:32 PM | |
DiSeMbYeR Posts count: 135 | Feora wats your MSN, and in case you don't want to put it cuz of people bothering u i'll just put mine, [email protected] , I really don't care if anyone else adds it, I'll accept, but if I get annoyed I'll just cuss or block, its whatever. So if anyone needs help just hit me up i guess. |
07/03/2008, 04:18 AM | Re: Re: |
Umika ![]() |
Quote (Feora)
Oh thank you~ I'm sorry that the people on EuphRO2 were so disrespectful towards you, I had the same issues myself. The particular guy "FourtySeven" had been begging me for a kRO2 account, even got my MSN and attempted to speak with me. I won't be helping him out anymore that's for sure. Your welcome ^^ Hehe, Thats okay many of the people on EuphRO2 are such jerks. I guess its because the community & server is mostly populated by immature males that don't know how to treat any gurl with any respect. I uterly dislike that FortySeven person he's rude, sexist and racist, and very cruel. On my first day of ever playing EuphRO2 things were okay at first until FortySeven started to cuss so much in channel. I was minding my own business trying to ignore that stuff, while trying to hunt for boss pukui so I can get that last item I needed for that Angel Ring. Until I suddenly had enough so I took screenshots and posted a report on him. No one did anything at all about it, all they say is "Just Ignore Him" or something related to that and no matter how hard I complain about foul language being allowed, many people in the forums of EuphRO2 ganged up on me. Eventually I decided to leave EuphRO2, but a week later I'd thought I give the server a little chance in hoping it might change to a more nicer community. I went to play on Saga Main for a bit, leveling in Adventurers Training Grounds until FortySeven started to randomly swear in the channel in a spamming way. After a minute or so of putting up with it I couldnt take it anymore so I ended up saying "Shut the heck up!" in channel. In reply he swore at me, so I then defended myself but at the same time being mature in not swearing. Then he said something back to me, then I said something. He ended up saying a really cruel thing to me about me not having any real parents, which is true. When I was a baby my parents abandoned me so I ended up having to live in an Orphanage, until I was 2 years old I was adopted by a nice white Australian couple. Anyway I was very close to start crying but refused that and then I swore at him, he then said something (in his normal mean way), then I said something, then he said the N word. Then I pretty much gave up because I thought to myself that theres no use in fighting anymore because I'm obviously going to lose, I'm not so good with arguements and fights... He's such a jerk. ...............
Quote (Feora)
We should hang out in game sometime Hehe sure that'll be great, could we be friends oh and may I add you to my friendlist ingame? My character name is... Heh, my first name: Umika. :D
Quote (Feora)
I can help you level up if you want ^^ Whisper Feora whenever you get the chance Awe, thanks for the offer. :D Hehe, I think I might solo on my own for a bit though. ^^
Quote (Feora)
have a nice day :D Hehe, you too. ^o^ |
07/03/2008, 11:41 PM | |
Rafacar ![]() |
ahh... #*@*#@#*#* the korean version! i will wait the english version... i going to play priston tale or ragnarok 1 priston 2 is korean too My msn is on portguese forums ------------------------------ Bye see you on english version(if it exists before 2009) |
07/03/2008, 11:42 PM | |
Rafacar ![]() |
sorry if i make problems or something like that... |
07/03/2008, 11:57 PM | Re: Saga RO2 Sucks |
niBblez ![]() |
Quote (COZZY)
i downloaded the euphro2 setup but the servers where saga ro2 and the rates are horriable it errors more it lags more they global acts cocky and teles u just cuz he has something against u...they thing just cuz they control a server there the best the quests run out to quickly and half the time u cant even finish the quest i got to lvl 4 and i was still at the start of the training ground u get around 250 base lvl just from killin a lvl 1Bla bla bla blaaaa Yea, I wouldn't really word Euphro2 as a beta of a beta, Lets just call it, Saga's testing&Development hosted on Euphro2 and you can't really expect every beta to be perfect and running without errors, that's why they have a feedback system and bug reporting. P.S hay, umika, I'm in heat, lets make babies. ;3 |
07/04/2008, 01:14 AM | |
Feora ![]() |
Leave Umika alone, she is 13! God, when are people like you going to grow up? Quit stirring up shit around here thank you. This forum doesn't have any drama and we don't need to start now. |
07/04/2008, 01:20 AM | |
Hardy ![]() |
nibblez <3's forum ban keep it down or GTFO and just for end game Kro2 > Euphro2 |
07/04/2008, 01:31 AM | |
niBblez ![]() |
Oh Softy, on what terms did I break? It was obviously a joke. To umika, you wouldn't know. Calm down mr.tough guy. That's nice; Just for the record, I don't really care for what think about ro2. thanks for your opinion anyways. |