understanding job changes | |
07/11/2007, 06:00 AM | understanding job changes |
pkslayer Posts count: 27 | i heard that you can move from one job to another; ex: novice-> swordsman -> enchanter -> swordsman. is this possible? how would you do it? |
07/11/2007, 06:07 AM | |
LostMK Posts count: 63 | Job Level 5+ Talk to the skillmaster... ;D |
07/11/2007, 06:09 AM | |
pkslayer Posts count: 27 | oh and if i were to change jobs, can i still learn novice skills? |
07/11/2007, 06:22 AM | |
LostMK Posts count: 63 | um... no, but you can go back to novice when you want, train up the skills you want to be able to use for any class, talk to skillmaster, make them into SPECIAL SKILLS and then switch to your new job (any job) and you can add that special skill you made to use with any job you select ;D |
07/11/2007, 06:23 AM | |
LostMK Posts count: 63 | ALSO, when you make a skill special, it keeps its rank (so you might want to level it up a bit) but it will not level when it is set to "SPECIAL" so make sure it is at a level you are comfortable with, or you will have to go back and level it more :P |
07/11/2007, 06:23 AM | |
LostMK Posts count: 63 | HOW DO I GET AN AVATAR? |
07/15/2007, 02:39 AM | |
bri360 Posts count: 27 | Hey about job change what stats do you level for recruit? |
08/31/2007, 03:50 PM | |
miria Posts count: 276 | what level can i change my job? |
09/06/2007, 06:56 PM | |
Satsu419 Posts count: 59 | Jlvl 5. Not jlvl 10 like RO1 was. |
09/09/2007, 07:58 AM | |
kowro2 Posts count: 47 | One thing I regret is changing to Swordie right at jlvl 5...i want to change back to novice to get some more novice skills, but it costs a lot more to change back than to change a new job :( 2800 rufi to be exact. |