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    Understanding the Stats
    06/17/2007, 01:37 PM
    Understanding the Stats 
    Ekairi avatar Posts count: 77 The theory:
    Basicaly the stats sound like they repeat themselfs (going according to the translation), however the stats give you exatly what it says.

    What this means...
    Well to save some time I will give advice on what stats would be most appropate for what class and why I think this is the best, but feel free to experiment.
    One more thing before I begin~ You will have to figure the best amount to put in. (I'm bad at math >.> )

    1.) Novice: What ever floats your boat. I would suggest looking over the other classes for builds that will fit to your liking.

    2.) Swordsman/ Swordswoman:
    Str and Con at best
    I think these two are best suited because it should give you the stronger attacks and the healther HP bar. It should also give a desent skill hitrate.
    Int if you want some skill related help.

    3.) Enchanter:
    Int, Dex, and Con
    I think these are best suited because it should give an all around desent Magical like attacking and stuff like that. A problem would be health but in most game like these such type characters usualy don't have as much health.
    I really wouldn't suggest adding str but to party instead maybe. :S
    Luk would be a good thing too. (If you can get it) :)

    4.) Recruit:
    Dex and Str
    This should be desent for a recruit.
    I would suggest getting int rather than con because of the extra you can get for minimum range attack if you want some added things. (Making it so you hit closer to your higher maximum attack range.)

    5.) Thief:
    Dex and Str
    Should give that old theif feel. :) Faster on the feel (Evasion) with accrate hitting.
    I would suggest getting int rather than con because the extra you can get with it.

    6.) Clown:
    I'm actually not sure about this one because I never played as one really but I heard that they are similar to the Bard class and someone suggested they are similar to a theif class too.
    My suggestion, if said it true, would be~
    Like a Dex and int build

    This guide is mainly opinon and theory.
    You do not have to follow this but it probably a good idea to use as a guide on how you want to build your character.
    06/18/2007, 09:29 AM
    Ekairi avatar Posts count: 77 Wow first time I got 40 views without a reply with someone either adding information or inputting their view point. XD
    06/18/2007, 10:51 AM
    MGX avatar Posts count: 368 Nice work. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going just yet. In the old ro we had agi.. and speed is my fav. So what stat would most effect that?
    06/18/2007, 11:00 AM
    k1s3k1 Posts count: 11 hmm how much stats do you get actually when you lvl up??

    at lvl 2 i got 2, then lvl 3 i got 1 etc... so my stats dont look quite balanced...
    06/18/2007, 10:45 PM
    Ekairi avatar Posts count: 77 MGX:
    Use Dex in place of Agi
    It should have the same effect since the stats on Dex is similar to that of Agi. (Will work evasion wise I'm not sure what stat gives you more speed by attack wize because of it not being descriptive enough.)

    I'm actually not sure, I'm starting a new character so I will write down all the stats you get for each level then post on here the amounts.
    06/20/2007, 05:29 AM
    MGX avatar Posts count: 368 Yeah im going thief. But i went hunter in ro1. So i don't have thief feel lol. I'm mainly looking for agi hit wise. But for now ill go dex. Trusting in that.
    06/20/2007, 10:01 AM
    Ekairi avatar Posts count: 77 MGX don't get angry if its not like what your looking for though. X_X
    What I said is in my own theory and isn't nessasarly correct.

    I'm mainly relating past experince and what the translations say.
    Like I said before "Theory". T_T
    06/20/2007, 10:10 AM
    MGX avatar Posts count: 368 Lol I'm not getting angry. I meant I've never been a thief before so i don't know what to expect.

    Ill trust your theory, see what happens. That's all ~
    06/20/2007, 10:10 AM
    Ekairi avatar Posts count: 77 Ah wait I gots an idea...
    Try to get luck for quicker attacks. (Still in theory)
    06/20/2007, 10:11 AM
    MGX avatar Posts count: 368 How would i go about getting that?

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