Debate Thread | |
06/23/2008, 08:49 PM | Debate Thread |
Feora ![]() |
First discussion: George Bush. From all the facts that I've read he blew up the twin towers. He's a disgusting, horrible man and he needs to be killed. Like he was smokin crack before he became president and all of America knew this yet still voted him in? He has made so many American's go over to Iraq just for Oil so he can jack up the prices of gas over here so he can make more money? America has gone to the shitter because of his ass. OBAMA PLEASE SAVE US! Second discussion: Abortion. Some people think this is so wrong. In my opinion it's up to the woman to decide whether she wants to keep the baby or not. The embryo doesn't have a brain and it's barely even a person yet. Third discussion: Religion. I don't believe there is a God. The bible is just a fairy-tale to me. Most of Religion is just based on Astrology(the stars). I have had family that have grown up believing very strongly in God and he never helped them when they were in desperate need and they were good people. Personally, I just have no faith in that sort of bullshit. The only 'Religion' that I would even come close to would be Buddhism, but i wouldn't be worshipping no Buddha. Fourth discussion: Sam-sex Marriage. I'm all for this! Gooo gay people! You should be with whoever the hell you want as long as you really do love them! I'm from Canada and they have had same-sex marriages for a while now. But they are finally doing it in California and I'm so proud of them! Gooo Cali, that's where i live now. This state has got to be the most progressive state of the entire USA. Gay people unite! Now, give me your opinions!! I tried to think of ones that might really piss people off so we could have a good debate. XD |
06/23/2008, 12:16 PM | wew |
feibugs Posts count: 16 | Abortion is BAD! First, because, there is a law for that.. and in the doctors oath.. "I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion. Second, ABortion can HArmful the Mother's Health and psychological.. Third, Abortion means that,You have Rejected God's gift.. You said that" it's up to the woman to decide whether she wants to keep the baby or not." Don't be selfish.. The Baby in there is have their rights to for a life.. "The embryo doesn't have a brain and it's barely even a person yet." But it's already LIFE!How dare you can kill a baby? |
06/23/2008, 12:22 PM | |
feibugs Posts count: 16 | You don't believe in God?? my suggestion is you must to see other people's who has accept a God's miracle.. maybe you can learn 4 that.. for your family..God always with them.. There is no way God will leave his Follower.. God Bless You and entire of your family.. REmember from where you are and later, u will turn back to where you came from.. |
06/23/2008, 12:23 PM | |
feibugs Posts count: 16 | same sex marriage??? no comment..but it's sound no good for me..(just my opinion) |
07/05/2008, 01:20 AM | |
niBblez ![]() |
Alright, about Bush. At the time I didn't have a chance to vote, and he was well known, Bill Clinton was a fine pres, But he was a horny bastard and he fucked up. Since bush was well known for his Dad, the he received majority votes from the elders. If it was up to me, Clinton would still be in the White House. As for Bush and his history life, things about him doing drugs, or getting C's in college wasn't released to the public or wasn't even available at the time. So, AMERICA DIDN'T vote for him for that fact he did that. Information like that was Release maybe AFTER A YEAR or Two after he was in office, But the Twin towers happened. I live in America, I don't like him either. But I'd rather put Bill Clinton back in office. Hilary Clinton was bought out when she was For healthcare I don't think she'd qualify. |
07/05/2008, 01:24 AM | |
Feora ![]() |
So you're voting Clinton? You know i saw on the news that George Bush and Bill clinton have dinners and watch football all the time together. I think Hilary is just another way for Bush to cotinue his reign secretly. What's so good about Bill/Hilarly Clinton anyways in your opinion? I was never in America during those times so pretty much know jack about them sept he like cheated on his wife or whatever... haha that was funny... VOTE OBAMA PLEASE~ |
07/05/2008, 01:28 AM | |
niBblez ![]() |
About gay marriage, Also, I live in California, I don't really care about gay people honestly, I was at a mall once and a gay guy was staring at me, and I felt uncomfortable because I thought he was gonna rape me(He was a big black guy in a tight pink shirt with a rainbow wristband), That was only the time that I was concerned about anything gay happening. And you know who signed that gay marriage Bill? Bush. Thank him for that. |
07/05/2008, 01:39 AM | |
niBblez ![]() |
I want to see what obama can do, even though he's not in office he still has power. And Regardless that you saw Bush And Clinton together means nothing, Me watching cartoons with Tony Hawk Doesn't mean I'm a superstar or I skate, you can't just ignorantly judge people like that, I live in America and I was around when Clinton was in office, the Economy was sky high, there was no problems with mexican immigrants. What I meant was Hilary isn't strong enough, not because she's a women btw. I don't care what Barrack Obama says, Presidents and candidates, they usually bluff and lie. I want to see proof, actions speak louder than words. |
07/05/2008, 01:46 AM | |
niBblez ![]() |
feibugs: ABORTION is not bad, Use some fucking common sense, it doesn't take a doctor to figure out if someone is ready to become a mother or a father, parenting can also stress people out, and you know what? It can even cause suicide. I am a social person, and I have a lot of friends in places, high and low. Most of the people on the internet never go out, and rely on wiki or other sources on the internet. And Just because it's in text on the internet, doesn't mean it's true. Btw, I am a catholic myself, But I believe between the man and the women who had the kid, should have a choice, Who are you to think for them? Tell me, Do you have a wife? IMO, Im a loser and a retard who should get a life. However, I do enjoy fucking little boys. ;) |
01/21/2009, 12:17 AM | Re: |
awawrepa Posts count: 2 | what a statement........ ayt O.o LMAO...... |