Ragnarok Online 2 II MMORPG - world community

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Official movies

Ragnarok 2 book

jRO2 promotional movie

Gung Ho Online Entertainment is the company publishing Ragnarok Online 2 in Japan. They�ve been releasing several promotional videos lately.

EuphRO2 contest movies

1st place - Signum

Signum's EuphRo2 trailer was nominated to win first prize because it flowed through really well, I would say it looked quite professional considering the time frame it needed to be completed within. It also including a lot of the Ro2 features in the video.

2nd place - SuzumiyaHaruhi

SuzumiyaHaruhi's submission was nominated for the second prize since it had all the aspects Signum's video had and it also had a storyline but it didn't flow as well as Signum's. In my opinion, we should of had 2 first places.

3rd place - Lihn

Lihn's post on her trailer was nominated for third prize because, first it had a storyline, second i would say it was quite amusing and the video was unique since Lihn was the only one who created her own "soundtrack" of her voice. I personally found the ending quite depressing =[. I ended up crying T.T

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