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    Level Up!
    06/04/2007, 09:52 PM
    Level Up! 
    Elite-Guardian avatar Posts count: 199 I finally got RO2 working, and I was wondering about some of the levelling up in the game. I've levelled up my weapon and 2 skills, but nothing's happened or changed. I tried double/right clicking them and it didn't work, what am i supposed to do?

    Also, when i levelled up in Character level to 2, there were only 4 stats i could choose to improve, where did the other 2 go?
    06/04/2007, 10:16 PM
    Sykie avatar Posts count: 12 Oh, the leveling system in RO2 is waaay different.

    For base levels, you can just put them in once you get it. For job levels, it happens automatically.

    Now, for weapon levels, it's whole different story. For your first weapon level, make sure you have 200 rufi. Then go to the blacksmith and select the 'Weapon Evolving' button, or the second from the top.
    As for skills, once you get a skill level up go to the skill book merchant (hit M and it'll look like a little cross) and open the Skill Books option. Since you only have 2 skills right now, look for a book with a checkmark on it's icon. DO NOT BUY THE CHECKMARKED BOOKS. Instead, buy the one after it, labelled LVL 2. I suggest just buying all the level 2 books for every skill you have, but if you're short of Rufi, you can try to match up the korean names with the skillbooks.
    06/04/2007, 10:19 PM
    Sykie avatar Posts count: 12 Oh, and as for the stats, they were changed a bit since RO1.
    Str is still str.
    Agi is unknown for now.
    Vit is now tied in with str.
    Dex is now Con and Int
    Int is still int.
    Luk is still Luk, but you can only put point into it with equipment bonuses.
    06/04/2007, 11:30 PM
    Elite-Guardian avatar Posts count: 199 eh? i thought there were six stats in RO2 because this very site says so.
    06/08/2007, 09:16 AM
    Elite-Guardian avatar Posts count: 199 I think it goes something like

    or something similar
    06/08/2007, 10:06 AM
    Sykie avatar Posts count: 12 STR, DEX, CON, and INT.
    There's more info on them on the site.
    06/08/2007, 01:56 PM
    snowman avatar Posts count: 159 I also wonder about these attributes.

    LUC is definatly there.. but no way to improve it yet.

    I have seen the +LUC potions but they dont work..

    I do wonder if something is missing
    06/08/2007, 04:30 PM
    Elite-Guardian avatar Posts count: 199 "STR, DEX, CON, and INT."
    is it in that exact order?
    06/08/2007, 04:32 PM
    Elite-Guardian avatar Posts count: 199 "38
    HQ Mystery Potion
    Description STR+2, INT+2, DEX+2, CON+2 for 15 minutes."
    that makes me assume that the order of stats is: STR, INT, DEX, CON.
    05/04/2008, 01:48 PM
    what every stat point gives 
    Connected Posts count: 4 What every stat point you put gives.

    STR= MAX short weapon attack +2 minimun +1 and increases the maximum hp by 10
    DEX= short weapon critical rate +1 and cooldown decreases -2
    CON= MAx Ranged attack +4 Minimum ranged attack +2 and short weapon attack speed +2
    INT= MAX magic attack +6 Minimum magic attack +3 Ranged critical rate +1

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