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    Quest help needed.
    06/08/2007, 02:24 AM
    Quest help needed. 
    nakiin avatar Posts count: 56 i need help with this quest. any ideas?
    it's a Kafra quest.

    06/08/2007, 03:04 AM
    Tazar avatar Posts count: 60 what does the quest ask for you to do?? or is it one of the ones not translated?
    06/08/2007, 03:05 AM
    Tazar avatar Posts count: 60 aww sorry.. the pic was showing, now I see..
    06/08/2007, 03:06 AM
    Tazar avatar Posts count: 60 i'm not sure on this quest.. i think i've done it once before, but not all too sure. Maybe your suppose to buy something for the people in town and give it to them? (hence the objective above the three 0/1) but i'm not all that sure
    06/08/2007, 01:45 PM
    snowman avatar Posts count: 159 Oh I know this quest... you have to find some items, its the 'learn secrets of the hodesmine' quest.

    one is a white sack on the back of the shop, another is the conch shell underwater south of bridge near mermaids and the last is a little scroll behind the blacksmith.

    06/08/2007, 03:56 PM
    nakiin avatar Posts count: 56 ok, found those items.
    it's all finished except for this middle line, the one whole in korean...
    now what?
    06/08/2007, 04:07 PM
    Ocisedan Posts count: 6 the sack and scroll I've been missing ^^

    the middle line to to explore near the cave on merman island I found that one and the shell already.
    06/08/2007, 04:14 PM
    Ocisedan Posts count: 6 really needs and edit option o_O

    the middle line is to explore the road area near the cave on merman island.

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