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    Registering an account yourselff
    12/19/2007, 08:47 PM
    Yuvalkman Posts count: 1 man.
    can u give me KSSN the Site of all the KSSNs are not work to me...
    and can i pick any Name that i want???
    12/22/2007, 10:19 PM
    FloP Posts count: 2 i cant create an acount >.< all the evening and i cant T.T
    if someone can create acount writing me in [email protected] thx all
    12/24/2007, 02:45 AM
    alexy1990 Posts count: 1 in the kssn what i tap for my birt date (AAMMJJ) i try 950612.... plz help me
    12/25/2007, 09:53 PM
    klominto Posts count: 1 plz sen d me name and kssn plz
    12/27/2007, 06:24 AM
    Ezekiel Posts count: 2 i get to this Parental thingy on the Registeration.
    idk what to do.
    01/03/2008, 04:51 AM
    Re: Registering an account yourselff 
    Kiraichi Posts count: 10
    Quote (MGX)
    After the notice of many many people wanting accounts. I decided to post the registration guide

    There are a few things you need, but to start you need..

    -Korean characters support
    -Internet Explorer(NOT FIREFOX)

    Now first head to the gravity page

    Accept the agreement

    Then fill out the KSSN info with either you own info you found. Or the site i provided. Fill out the name, and the 2 number slots.

    Then fill out the account info page. Click the orange user name box to verify its not taken. The secret answer and phone number parts dont matter.

    Also if you have an email address extension that's not listed check the bottom selection on the drop down menu beside the email slot.

    Next is the company details, first you need a city. (You can use the info below this) You'll get a drop down menu after you put the city in and click the orange button. If you use the info i provide click the second one from the top on the list.

    Then input the address again (also provided if you use my info) and hit the button to continue.

    CITY: 부산
    ADDRESS: 447-050 경기 오산시 부산동

    You'll receive an email with your info

    Hit the button on the next page to verify you can login to your account.

    Then input your account and see if it logs in.

    Now one of the last things you need is the program to run non-unicode programs (like RO2)
    Found here

    after that.. there are got another step that u din explain..
    it was down here...translate for us can??

    01/03/2008, 07:19 PM
    KillerKiba Posts count: 4 i cant even get to the page

    HELP PLZ!!!
    01/03/2008, 07:26 PM
    KillerKiba Posts count: 4 Nvm got it
    but what is this thing 1 post of the last 1 of mine
    01/03/2008, 07:38 PM
    KillerKiba Posts count: 4 :: Sniff:: i cant even get to the 3rd steep


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