Killed/Runied RO | |
07/11/2007, 10:32 PM | Killed/Runied RO |
Seth Posts count: 23 | a lot of people won't care, I'm sure and would disagree with me, and that up to them and this is up to me, but I feel like I need to say it before this patch the game was ok, parts of it was good and parts of it was bad, and even now after the patch, parts are good, but I think they changed a lot of stuff to much and to quickly, and changed they did was to some good parts already I kind of think they killed it ruined it in some ways, and now I'm not really in to much playing it at the moemnet I don't know if there anyone else who sort of feels the same way |
07/12/2007, 03:17 AM | |
SamuraiJakkass86 Posts count: 3 | Its beta. |
07/12/2007, 02:44 PM | |
Mondillro ![]() |
here is what I noticed. 1)killing a monster that gave you 790 exp gives you 79 exp. now looking at the exp bar it still goes up so all they did was drop the zero but the exp is the same. 2)some skill lvls only need you to be a certain job lvl rather than exp to lvl it up. 3)no more long boat rides. 4)everything I was wearing that had stat bonus effects had the effects taken away so i have to re-get them for the effects. 5)3rd weapon slot if you got the 2nd before the patch. 6)heal lvl 3 says it does 250 but only does 140 and has shorter cool down time for fast use. 7)have to pay money for specialty skills those are all I can think of for now. |
07/12/2007, 08:29 PM | |
Rezwald Posts count: 13 | The reduced exp is large. but seems to balance both job and charecter level. ( A 700/300 mob gave me 129/129 ) Level 6 skills would require you to be anywhere from JLV 20 to 30 now in order to use Has anyone found any info as to how we fix the fact that we have no armour now. ( With no quests left on the bourd or personal quests left flaged, i have no stat armour left, everything i has was waiting for me to level into ( it also has no stats on it ) Any new info would be good to hear, ill look about the game, like everyone else is doing. But so far what im seeing, makes no scense even for a beta test. |
07/12/2007, 08:32 PM | some help |
aki4hee Posts count: 12 | this is a forum I posted info about this patch go to the ro2 section and check out stuff i posted. name is aki. Hope it helps |
07/12/2007, 08:34 PM | |
aki4hee Posts count: 12 | P.S. you can sell your old gears and the armour dealer in prontera will sell you rare items for cheap. sell all the orange items for green ones. |
07/12/2007, 11:46 PM | |
Rezwald Posts count: 13 | Ok, made my way back to town, all quests, personal and offical are reflaged - low level monster back in the starting town dont give any exp at all, used to give smal like 10 or so, but nothing now. As for items on the AH, anything you might have had up is also erased from stats, ( I wonder if this is the way they planed to fix the buggs in like defense. If so requesting loads the proper stats vs the bugged ones everyone had on already ) |