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    need some info
    06/07/2007, 09:14 AM
    need some info 
    grimgod Posts count: 37 ok i bought somethings in the auction how do you retrieve your items you bought?
    06/07/2007, 11:25 AM
    snowman avatar Posts count: 159 oh this took me a while to figure out..

    There is a specific 'Mailbox' not the one by the quest board. In the hodesmine town map its by the first shop.

    Id do you a screeny but im in work :p
    06/07/2007, 05:59 PM
    grimgod Posts count: 37 is there one in prontera?
    06/08/2007, 11:13 AM
    snowman avatar Posts count: 159 oh there is.. er.. I think its very close to where all the vendors are.

    its a square thing with a pyramid shapped roof.

    Oh and another thing about the auction house, if you put items up for sale.. check that mail box regularly! I had several items up or sale but there was no message to tell me I had sold them.

    I just checked the box one day and I was 5000 better off :D

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