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    quest translation
    06/13/2007, 02:51 AM
    quest translation 
    stegalt Posts count: 15 In the translation I have it says that quests are translated, but so far I havn't seen any quest translated, whats wrong?

    Im useing the ro2trans-rev19x translation as I read it is the most up to date. If it isn't too much trouble, can someone please explain how to get the translation to work completely?

    Everything is in korean except for skill and a FEW items...
    06/13/2007, 10:05 AM
    Sjaakie Posts count: 10 It says that quests are translated, not all. But there are several quests that have been translated where it says things like "Talk to" or "Kill monster" or "Get item from ...".
    It would be nice for more to be translated, but do remember that they're doing it as a fan service without getting payed for it, they're using their free time. So I'd say be grateful for what you've got.

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