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    Revile Skill
    04/03/2008, 11:34 PM
    Revile Skill 
    Mulflar Posts count: 8 Hi, I'm actually a Clown and I have the revile skill but I can't never use it. It says me "Effect is needed".

    Any idea?
    04/04/2008, 12:20 AM
    4th-EMOTION avatar Posts count: 40 Does the description of skill say, that you need some effect to use this skill?
    04/04/2008, 03:19 PM
    Mulflar Posts count: 8 No, it says:

    "Has a change to cause Anger Hallucination or Sadness on the enemy and causes Wound. This skill depletes some of the HP and has a chance to cancel their SP recovery. It's Not posible to have Anger and Hallucination status at same time"

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