Skills Skills Skills... | |
05/29/2007, 01:19 PM | Skills Skills Skills... |
snowman ![]() |
Well what about those skills then? How to level them up?.. why cant I BUY certain skills even though I meet the requirments and have the money? My rough guide to skills just based on my observations so far! I know people are DESPERATE to change into their proffesions as soon as they damn well can, hehe.. I dont blame them, but, Im the type of person who HATES missing out on things. I would not want to switch to Swordsman prematurly when there might be a NICE Novice passive skill which will benefit alot :) so for me.. I am going to probably be a novice for a long time before switching to swordsmanp.. simply because I want try out the novice skills. I dont know if you can swap back to novice after picking a class either! So, First things first... The Skill trainer! In the first town, on the map, he is the guy with a symbol thats looks like a square 'cross hair style' target! He seems to offer job change, something about speciality skills and skill books! I dont know anything about job change or speciality (maybe someone could advise) But you might want to think about upgrading a few skills! - if your like me you would have by now an 'Active' skill - the one that takes energy and hits harder This is called SKILLED BLOW. You will also have a 'Passive' always on skill. This skill called 'Short sword mastery' gives physical attack and accuracy increase when attacking with a short sword! You may also have a third! This is a suspicious looking skill as it doesnt seem to level up! This is actually the 'Martial Arts' Skill.. and will only level up when using hitting without a weapon. If you want to level Martial arts simply press 'G' to swap out. Now back to the skill trainer.. First thing you notice is that the 'skill books' dont have the skill symbol near them which would have been an easy way to identify what skills you want. Personally I didnt want to buy the Martial arts skill and I DID want to upgrade my other skills, so I took some time to compare the Korean Symbols on my current skills, to the skill books the vendor had. AGAIN, this is very annoying, you cant keep your skills menu open [K] Whilst browing the shop!.. so you must swap back and forth between the shop and your skills menu until you identify which is which! Buying skills : Now, I think there is a bug here, because the prices are WRONG! they ALL say 380 rufi!.. but when I came to buying my second skill even though I have 400 rufi it would NOT let me buy it!.. it was only later I could buy it when I had much more money!... so if you cant buy a skill.. chances are, you cant afford it =[ or you dont have the job level requirment (but you knew that already right?) I dont really know how the price works.. but I suspect that each time you buy a skill the price goes up!.. because the next skill I bought. Which was a level 1 skill, cost me nearly 1000 rufi! If this is the case, then there is a very good argument for NOT buying skills, saving your money, and changing job as early as possible!... this will ultimatly save you money and time. However. I cant help but wonder what the other novice skills do.. and if money is the only object, well.. then that gives me a chance to experiment with farming for money and possibly making a short guide on that :D Of course.. all skills are listed here you can compare the korean symbols and try to figure out which skills are which before buying them xD I'd like any comments on the 'speciality skills' section and what happens when you job change.. and indeed, WHEN you can job change.. |
05/29/2007, 03:41 PM | |
Pow Posts count: 6 | When can I change my job the second time? I already changed once from novice to swordman. can I change it again to novice? or I have to choose another first job. where can I find all skills in english? I want to see what skills I miss by changing too early from novice to swordman. |
05/29/2007, 04:35 PM | |
snowman ![]() |
I did put the address to the database which has all the skills listed! ill make a linky :) Maybe someone else can answer Pow's other questions as I have yet to experiment. |
05/29/2007, 09:56 PM | |
NightHawk Posts count: 11 | In the first town, on the map, he is the guy with a symbol thats looks like a square 'cross hair style' target! Is it me or doesnt he sell any skillbooks anymore? |
05/30/2007, 11:03 AM | |
snowman ![]() |
He does still sell skill books. However the price he advertises is wrong! it SAYS 380 rufi. but its more like 580, and level 2 is more like 1050... so if he refuses to sell them to you you need more money! |
05/31/2007, 12:16 AM | |
snowman ![]() |
Just to clarify, in my original post I suspected that skill prices might go up each time you buy them. They dont. Each skill book is a SET price. Someone asked me last night why they didnt stick to the 'skill tree' style on RO1 ! I suspect this is for 'money sink' reasons. It also means you have to return to town and seek out a trainer, later on in the game I suspect that certain trainers may be harder to reach. I dont know. However, making a skill an ITEM instead of the RO1 way means that a mob might drop a skill book! - and thus encourage trading on the auction. Personally I do think this is a much better system. |
06/01/2007, 03:23 AM | |
canji Posts count: 6 | This skill book system is a replica from WoW. Therefore it's a proven system and it works! The original skill tree was just too easy to get skills. However, I do believe the economy is still screwed up. The mob drops don't allow for enough money to spend on skills, repair, upgrades, pots, etc. Especially when the durability issues with RO2 are quite poor. Anyone else find that their equipment breaks rather easily? |
06/01/2007, 10:26 AM | |
snowman ![]() |
yea, equipment damage is madness! and, if like me, you've done hundreds of quests and got TOP gear its hideously expensive to repair. and since they nerfed the prices its even worse! I barly have enough to keep me repaired up and keep my weapon level up. if it wasnt for the occasional rare drop and the rewards from quests Id be farming low level mobs nonstop just to to stay afloat |
06/04/2007, 08:21 AM | |
BlueDrag0n Posts count: 36 | @Pow You can change job when you reach jlvl 5 AGAIN, for example, when your *class* is or become jlvl 5 you can change back to novice or to other classes. And yes, if you want to change to other classes you can without having to change back to novice. |
06/13/2007, 01:14 PM | |
exprezso Posts count: 4 | A slightly more detailed skills description, but it's in chinese ~.~ |