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    So I finally changed job..
    06/04/2007, 04:55 PM
    So I finally changed job.. 
    snowman avatar Posts count: 159 So I have been leveling my novice and the appropriate skills now for some time (since I started)

    Last night I hit 11 and decided that I was getting bored so I changed to Swordy.

    There were only 3 skills I can bring with me from novice!..

    A active attack move which I had got to lvl 4 !

    A passive skill.. which, I think just increases chance of hitting.. not sure.. but this had leveld to 3 (wont go further)

    And another skill which hits for a small amount of damage, but its quick and gives me 3 LP!

    There was another skill listed! But it said that I would have had to of been a lvl 15 novice to bring it across..

    These skills are very usefull, but im disapointed that these are the only ones I could bring across!.. Im wondering if I need to level them higher first maybe?

    Anyway I can do quite alot more damage with swordy.. and I've gone 2 to 1 on Str to CON! (Con for the increase crit rate) But I've got some very nice equips so my STR is REALLY High :D

    Anyway, I've noticed that the skills take FOREVER to level!!.. anyone know why this might be?

    I've also noticed that some passive and defence stance skills WONT level at all..

    I'm really looking for some wisdom here from anyone whos leveld alot with Swordy!.. Like is Defence stance even worth it?.. doesnt seem to defend me much at all :(

    The Skill which converts a percentage of damage taken into health is gona be really handy for tanking... But I cant yet solo the puku boss :(
    06/14/2007, 01:25 AM
    Devilius Posts count: 20 Could you give us the name of those 3 skills you could bring across when you changed class (don't want to waste time lvling skills l can't bring with me)...also what was the skill you had to be lvl 15 to bring over?
    06/14/2007, 01:25 PM
    snowman avatar Posts count: 159 Er.. right, let me try remember (at work at the mo)

    The BEST one is 'Quick attack' I leveld that to 4 ! HIGHLY reccomend getting it to 5. Its by far my best Swordsman skill at the moment.

    The other one.. cant remember its name.. but its the one which hits for a SMALL amount of damage (like 45 on level 2) but gives you an instant 2-3 SP... still very handy for swordsman..

    The Third one was a passive.. I think shortsword mastery! - so only usfull for swordsman wanting to use a shortsword. But im not sure on the translation so it maybe a general passive.

    The forth.. er, again I cant really remember this one, I will check it and let you know..

    But suffice it to say that 'Quick' attack is definatly your best one to level.

    The only thing is, I didnt really get to see what Novice skills were available in Prontera.. so there maybe other nuggets :D
    06/14/2007, 06:13 PM
    Elite-Guardian avatar Posts count: 199 are there skills that only novices can learn? I'm guessing yes based on snowman's last post in this topic.
    06/18/2007, 04:29 PM
    Sjaakie Posts count: 10 There are some skills only novices can level/learn but if you take em to a high enough level than you can take em along to a job. Differs per skill I think. Unless I'm completely wrong.

    And snowman, you are probably comparing the lvl 4/5 quick attack to a lvl 1 swordsman attack. I'd advise to level swordsman's attack skill though instead of keeping quick attack, since if you compare the novice lvl 4 skill with a swordie lvl 4 skill, then it should be obvious that the swordie is better.

    Also the Power hit, I think, the one that does 45 at lvl2, is +45. It'll come right after executing a normal attack so it doesn't take extra time. It's simply and addition 45 damage you do, though it would be nice if you'd see it as one number though.
    06/18/2007, 05:09 PM
    Elite-Guardian avatar Posts count: 199 i see power hit as a seperate attack :S maybe i'm thinking of a different skill...
    06/23/2007, 08:16 PM
    Mondillro avatar Posts count: 72 Thanks for the heads up but I had already messed up and turned swordie by lvl 6 without any of the novice skills so I ended up making another character that I have now at lvl 9 and I'm not changing until I max out most of my skills or I hit lvl 15 like you said. I still want to beat beacon eater and boss pukui before I become a swordsman and leave to prontera

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