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    understanding job changes
    09/23/2007, 10:27 AM
    AkentA Posts count: 2 So i can be a thief and get stuff like fatal contract and double attack and then go apply them to a swordy? sounds overpowered?
    12/07/2007, 05:28 PM
    harukoism avatar Posts count: 36 kinda reminds me of final fantasy tactics
    12/07/2007, 09:50 PM
    Mikeyei Posts count: 6 Sounds like fun...Question though: Say Im a lvl 20 swordie and I want to class change to a thief, will it be harder to raise my job lvl? Or will it go up a lot faster since Im fighting stronger monsters now?
    12/07/2007, 09:52 PM
    Mikeyei Posts count: 6 ...Also, will I be able to re-distribute my stat points after I change jobs?
    12/07/2007, 12:47 PM
    DownBreak avatar Posts count: 26 unfortunately no, and as a warning the higher the job level the higher your going to have to pay to get back to a previous job. 2800 ruffi is only for level 5 for something like jlvl 11 it costs roughly 7500 ruffi.

    so far except resistance spells as an enchanter the only special skill i have gained would be swordstick mastery. No heals or atk spells transfer over. not even the sword mode for sword stick is a special skill which makes it kinda weird to even bother to use it with other classes. SO far novice seems to have special skills i think. but quickblow is bugged cause even when i equip it it doesnt say i can use it.
    12/20/2007, 01:43 AM
    DiSeMbYeR Posts count: 51 what level is your quickblow, b/c mine is 5 and it lets me use it on my thief

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