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    EVE Online
    05/29/2007, 04:27 PM
    EVE Online 
    snowman avatar Posts count: 159 Anyone play/played this ?

    A Sci-Fi MMO!.. space ships and exploration..

    The game oooozes complex! the abundance of skills, equipment, space ships an trading goods makes this the BEST space trading / exploration / combat game ever!

    You can mine, manufacturer, combat, PVP, PVE.. build your own space ships space stations and mother ships. Corporations battle for control of space in wars which spans huge regions of space.

    Skill training is different to most MMO's - you dont 'train' a skil by using it.. you simply purchase a skill book which plugs into your computer.. and while you have this skill 'training' it will continue to train even while your off line! but the skills take REAL time to train.... they start off only taking a few hours.. but as they level up and you buy advanced skills to fly bigger ships and fire bigger guns the skills start taking days.. then weeks.. then MONTHS to train!

    The only thing about this game... it HATES new players! Its cold and harsh, the tutorial covers only the VERY basics! even that goes on for along time. There is a huge learning curve and everyone everywhere is out to get you.. players will scam you (legitimatly too) and the lag and bugs can sometimes be infuriating!

    This is mainly because its all one BIG server!.. you dont have seperate servers like traditional so everyone who is playing plays on the same server, so the market is very much in the control of the players.

    Highly reccomended if you fancy a change from the traditional fantasy game!

    A Good thing about EVE, is that when you unsubscribe you can 'set' a LONG skill training.. and it will continue to train even without an active subscription. so when you do re-subscribe suddenly you have a nice skill to fly a big ship or whatever :) a great game to go back and forth to.

    I've actually paused playing this game at the moment, I'm waiting for some improvments to the PVE and for when they introduce 'walk - in stations' and better graphics! - the graphics are good, but.. well, very dated now and I do like good graphics :D

    I dont know what goes on at the EVE Development offices, they literally takes YEARS to fix some bugs.. and additional content is few and far between!

    Since I started playing well over 18 months ago they have implemented part 1 (of 3) of a new content pack called Revelations!..

    Im waiting for them to finish this and sort out all the bugs and problems which they seem to always be plagued with.
    08/29/2007, 11:42 AM
    Springare avatar Posts count: 22 heheh I had an "Game Design assignment" last last year to play that whit all my classmates for 14 days then write an report on it. hehehe was awesome hehe since the teachers diveded us in divisions and made online events for us and all that hehehe but they also made insane pirates hunt us down xD hahaha I lost like 10 "thorax" in the last 5 days hahah but then again I was the only 1 whit a big ship so I had to take all the dmg heheh
    11/15/2007, 05:37 AM
    Mattrix38 avatar Posts count: 17 I played it... for several months.... It got boring after I reached Battle cruiser. :| *Lock* *Shoot* *BAM* *Salvage* Rinse and repeat.
    11/17/2007, 11:54 PM
    iggy Posts count: 4 I fully enjoyed EVE My character is a year and a half old now.
    I am pretty well a fully combat build. I live out in 0.0 or low security space and I am a mercenary.
    Indeed eve is a very deep game.
    12/02/2007, 12:58 AM
    Cheese Posts count: 3 I've never played the game, but my mom wanted me to. One of her friend's husband helped create either the game or their website.

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