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    Good Animes
    05/28/2007, 01:38 PM
    Good Animes 
    Reikumo avatar Posts count: 10 Bleach - best one ever
    Naruto - dont watch the filler eps.
    tokyo underground
    flame of recca
    05/28/2007, 06:27 PM
    Kakashi avatar Posts count: 11 Hajime no ippo
    One Piece

    Death Note
    Bleach - Good Anime
    Naruto - dont watch the filler eps (so true.)
    Naruto Shippuuden
    School rumble season 1&2
    Mai Hime

    Alot of others (=.=)

    05/29/2007, 03:23 AM
    Kaek avatar Posts count: 4 Well, I don't know about you guys, but I really enjoyed the Ragnarok the Animation series.

    The plot was horrible, I can understand that. But, for a series of only 26 episodes, the character progression was magnificient. They really caught the aspects of rejection and how people deal with certain feelings in certain ways.

    If you ever come across the chance to watch this, I recommend it!
    05/29/2007, 07:02 AM
    Soul avatar Posts count: 43 Ro the animation was nice (tho i hierd bout 2 part but still nothing ).
    Tho i prefer with more blood :)
    Hellsing-100% should watch(normal and OVA)
    GTO-comedy youll laugh your but off(Great teacher Onizuka)
    Trinity blood -not bad tho unfinished creater died.
    Love Hina-well if you like to laugh.
    Full Metal Alchemist-niiiice
    Well i am willing to watch some more but not now Ro2 is somthing what will take all my time.
    05/29/2007, 08:34 AM
    Reikumo avatar Posts count: 10 i´m still searching for an anime like bleach, with a lot of fighting in a newer time (no samurais or something) with special ybilities. maybe with everyone got an special abilitiy like the swords from bleach.
    05/29/2007, 09:43 AM
    SoulSlayer avatar Posts count: 43 Try Tenjou Tenge. Good fighting, lots of panty shots and boobies.
    05/29/2007, 01:52 PM
    Tunay Posts count: 15 haha @ soul slayer haha yea this is upsetting i've seen that anime and i kinda like it xDD! just cause of the fighting i get quite irrtated with the pantsu and booby shots lol
    05/30/2007, 08:38 AM
    Reikumo avatar Posts count: 10 i forget to mention, i already saw tenjou tenge ^^
    05/30/2007, 10:17 AM
    Kajashi Posts count: 21 I´ve been wondering for a while now...but what anime is your avatar from SoulSlayer?
    05/30/2007, 12:27 PM
    KazeHaru Posts count: 11 More recent animes, some still available by torrent.

    Deathnote is a very good one, exciting without the fighting. It's very popular these days, almost up there with bleach and naruto.

    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and Code Geass are two recent mecha animes that imo are worth watching. Gurren Lagann more towards comedy, code geass more towards exciting. both are dramatic at many points. animation is very well done.

    Ouran high host club is very funny, recommended if you want a good laugh.

    Elfin Lied, I just started this one, and it's a pretty dark one. Most gore I've ever seen in an actual tv broadcasted anime in japan. watch it for the gore, or the very well written story.

    The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. maybe some of you heard of this series, I enjoyed this alot, very funny anime.
    And if you watched Haruhi Suzumiya, then maybe consider Shakugan no Shana, same animator and relatively good story and action.

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