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    Registering question
    07/13/2007, 02:23 PM
    Registering question 
    Vinterias Posts count: 14 Okay, like quite a lot of other people I'm trying to register for an RO2 account, with no luck getting past the Name/KSSN page. Now, if I generate myself a KSSN from a program, is there anyway I could just combine random letters from female Korean names to make one, or do I actually have to find a registered Korean name to use? The list of possible KSSNs that I find seem exhausted, and no one seems to be making free accounts anymore.

    If you provide any information, it would be a great help to me. Thank you.
    12/31/2007, 11:42 PM
    Re: Registering question 
    naruyume avatar Posts count: 14 well.. there are lots of KSSN's out on the internet sadly. its just a question of using the one that everyone else looking hasnt tried already. so keep trying. i found a list the other day that surely thousands of ppl had seen and tried but there was 1 kssn in the middle that was still vacant. so no.. its not depleted.

    and yes and no... u can use a generator to register if u use the "under 14" green box at the agreement.asp page. that page doesnt check the name vs the kssn. guide is here: <- generator and guide in 1. click the "registration" tab
    but now theyve inserted a third step there where u have to enter your parents KSSN and this step is not generator friendly so its no use. guide is here.

    if you use the blue "over 14" box at the agreement page u have to use a REAL name and KSSN which can be found on the internet. a guide for this is here :

    gl to u
    01/06/2008, 05:44 AM
    Re: Re: Registering question 
    280 Posts count: 1 --EDIT--

    After reading this, I formed the idea of using a generated KSSN and registering as <14 then one of the valid- yet "exhausted" KSSNs "out there on the Internet" for my "parents". It worked.

    So, as of now this works:

    1) Generate your KSSN here:
    2) Follow the instructions under "Registration (Click to show/hide)" on Auraiken's site (make sure your password has at least 1 number)
    3) Follow instructions here:

    3a) Some KSSNs to try using as your "parents" here: (it's okay if they already have been registered to an account)
    3b) Korean for 'single' (according to bablefish): 단순한
    3c) Korean for 'sunday' (also, according to bablefish): 일요일
    3d) Confirmation code will look like this:

    If you get some weird .ASP error page, try changing your parents KSSN... worked for me.
    01/10/2008, 04:23 AM
    robinforum Posts count: 8 Can you help me accessing the ro2 website coz it always says page cannot be displayed.. I can't find the answer in the forum about my problem and no one seems to know / would like to help me..
    01/15/2008, 01:19 AM
    Re: Re: Re: Registering question 
    gkace avatar Posts count: 1
    Quote (280)

    After reading this, I formed the idea of using a generated KSSN and registering as &lt;14 then one of the valid- yet "exhausted" KSSNs "out there on the Internet" for my "parents". It worked.

    So, as of now this works:

    1) Generate your KSSN here:
    2) Follow the instructions under "Registration (Click to show/hide)" on Auraiken's site (make sure your password has at least 1 number)
    3) Follow instructions here:
    3a) Some KSSNs to try using as your "parents" here: (it's okay if they already have been registered to an account)
    3b) Korean for 'single' (according to bablefish): 단순한
    3c) Korean for 'sunday' (also, according to bablefish): 일요일
    3d) Confirmation code will look like this:

    If you get some weird .ASP error page, try changing your parents KSSN... worked for me.

    where do i find parent KSSN's the site you gave is access denied....
    01/19/2008, 02:27 PM
    Re: Re: Re: Registering question 
    gregowbr Posts count: 4
    Quote (280)

    After reading this, I formed the idea of using a generated KSSN and registering as &lt;14 then one of the valid- yet "exhausted" KSSNs "out there on the Internet" for my "parents". It worked.

    So, as of now this works:

    1) Generate your KSSN here:
    2) Follow the instructions under "Registration (Click to show/hide)" on Auraiken's site (make sure your password has at least 1 number)
    3) Follow instructions here:
    3a) Some KSSNs to try using as your "parents" here: (it's okay if they already have been registered to an account)
    3b) Korean for 'single' (according to bablefish): 단순한
    3c) Korean for 'sunday' (also, according to bablefish): 일요일
    3d) Confirmation code will look like this:

    If you get some weird .ASP error page, try changing your parents KSSN... worked for me.

    Yeah the Site you've put it says Access Denied.

    Please post here some Parent's KSSN
    01/22/2008, 07:10 PM
    Zaro Posts count: 3 I changed the KSSN and I keep getting the ASP error
    01/23/2008, 06:00 AM
    hueyc Posts count: 3 sry posted wrongly
    02/25/2008, 01:33 AM
    It works 
    Integritus Posts count: 1 Hi, i just followed the method mentioned and it works even if you have the ASP error... one way to know if this worked is to try to register again using the same login you used the first time to register and coroborate if it alredy exist, if when you push the button and the nick you used is cleared it mean that it already exist and therefor it means that you where able to create the account, try to log in to the ragnarok page to comprobate this.

    And about the place where to get the parent account try this link or this link

    This should give you enough parrents acounts to try it.
    04/05/2008, 08:40 PM
    sin0057 Posts count: 1 I've tried countless KSSNs, but whenever I try to finish registration (I am able to get a comfirmation code), I get a error message and then I'm automatically taken back to the name box of the parent reg. page.

    Is it say the name is wrong or what?

    not logged in