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    Saga RO2 Sucks
    07/04/2008, 01:33 AM
    Re: Re:  
    FortySeven Posts count: 6
    Quote (Feora)

    Oh thank you~ I'm sorry that the people on EuphRO2 were so disrespectful towards you, I had the same issues myself. The particular guy "FourtySeven" had been begging me for a kRO2 account, even got my MSN and attempted to speak with me.

    Dare not impugn me honour boy, i've done no such thing.

    You lot are actually foolish enough to think you're the only group out there with capability of creating new kRO2 accounts?

    Wow, absolutely pathetic.
    07/04/2008, 01:35 AM
    Hardy avatar Posts count: 62 nibblez : obviously you have no idea, you could be speaking to a 12 year old girl/boy

    are you the kind of person who wants to make babies with a 12 year old? wouldnt suprise me internet is full of weirdos

    just watch you mouth u dont know who is around or behind the screen some people take offence to jokes you or i find harmless

    with age comes understanding

    fyi : i play euphro just not number 2
    07/04/2008, 01:37 AM
    FortySeven Posts count: 6
    Quote (Hardy)

    just watch you mouth u dont know who is around or behind the screen some people take offence to jokes you or i find harmless

    ju dnt no who jur messin with holmes

    with age comes understanding

    Nice, nice. So what's with all these adults with imaginary friends (iE. religious folks) i see out there?
    Are you going by the de facto equation that more age = more maturity so you sit on your high horse being 24 and making worse spelling and grammatical errors than a fifteen year old?

    Age comes understanding? You've never heard of Bill O'Riley?
    07/04/2008, 01:39 AM
    niBblez avatar Posts count: 11 Hardy: Fyi like I give a Shit,

    and I've spoken with Umika several time, and didn't I say it was a joke?

    As In I didn't literally mean it? Her grudge is with FortySeven stay out of it Hero.
    07/04/2008, 01:40 AM
    Re: Re:  
    Hardy avatar Posts count: 62
    Quote (FortySeven)
    Quote (Hardy)

    just watch you mouth u dont know who is around or behind the screen some people take offence to jokes you or i find harmless

    ju dnt no who jur messin with holmes

    with age comes understanding

    Nice, nice. So what's with all these adults with imaginary friends (iE. religious folks) i see out there?
    Are you going by the de facto equation that more age = more maturity so you sit on your high horse being 24 and making worse spelling and grammatical errors than a fifteen year old?

    Age comes understanding? You've never heard of Bill O'Riley?

    english please? lol

    and btw who died and made you grammar nazi
    07/04/2008, 01:42 AM
    Re: Re: Re:  
    FortySeven Posts count: 6
    Quote (Hardy)

    english please? lol!

    It's in English, have you not noticed?

    Oh you want it "simple"?

    Wow i didn't know they stacked shit that high and leave it hanging for twenty four years.
    07/04/2008, 01:44 AM
    Hardy avatar Posts count: 62 i lol'd

    your come backs are fail

    btw do i come to your forums and spam? no? then stay out of mine

    take it over to your forums and if you are a gm there i feel pain for your players

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