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Ragnarok 2 Open Beta Registration guide

1. Check list

You will need:

  • Internet Explorer ( 6 & 7 works fine )
  • Korean Social Security Number (KSSN) - how to get it?
  • Korean characters support in Windows - how to get it?

2. Go to Global Playground Gravity page

3. Accepting license agreement

Check check-button and click on blue button
Check check-button and click on blue button

4. Entering name and KSSN

KSSN consist of birthdate and gender: YYMMDD-1xxxxxx for male and YYMMDD-2xxxxxx for female

Name is usually 3 korean characters long.

You can't use Ctrl + V for paste, so use Shift + Insert instead.

Enter name and KSSN combination
Enter name and KSSN combination

5. Filling form

Find some informations using Google, ex. some korean company details.

Select last option in e-mail select box.

Information form
Information form

6. Finishing registration

You will receive an e-mail after finishing a registration.

Registered successfully
Registered successfully

7. Logging in - Go to Gravity Login page

Try to log in to check you new account.

Enter your username and password
Enter your username and password
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