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    *NEW* 4-28-08 Account Creation!
    05/12/2008, 10:37 AM
    Levenn avatar Posts count: 13 wrong spot to post! sorry.
    05/12/2008, 04:32 PM
    BloodTide avatar Posts count: 65
    Quote (sametbars)

    I had just tried one of these kssn numbers and it worked.

    Wow Grats I think you may have actually found one of my lists in there lol...
    05/15/2008, 07:29 PM
    Not working for me. 
    kyroray Posts count: 5 EDIT: Quess what? I just accidently pressed to back, and wohow! All over again!! Happy now! Yeah, sucks..
    EDIT: Quess what? I quess my luck hates, me for doing the same again..

    EDIT: Quess what?! IT WORKS! Dude, high five for this. This works, but it may be pain sometime, but it works. Awesome.

    -Sincerely posts, Kyroray.
    05/15/2008, 09:28 PM
    GovernmentPig Posts count: 3 Guide definatly works. I'm patching as we speak! Thanks blood.
    05/16/2008, 06:35 AM
    Thanks blood ^^ 
    takochan Posts count: 2 awesome guide that you have!!! ^.~ thanks alot!!!
    btw can I actually create account for above 14 years old?
    since I want to go to the 2nd server in game but I cant =(
    seems like it says that the 2nd server is only 18 years and above .... =(
    05/16/2008, 09:49 AM
    aco99 Posts count: 3 OMG!!


    AT LAST!!

    email me for parent KSSNS....
    05/16/2008, 12:16 AM
    orangpelupa avatar Posts count: 11 GREAT THANKS A LOT !!!!1

    this realy works

    now i'll create some new accounts to be used by my friends and bro
    05/16/2008, 12:48 PM
    for above 14 years old ... 
    takochan Posts count: 2 ~_~ hm.. seems like for above 14 years old we need a brand new KSSN, unused one =/

    gonna be pain in the ass T_T lol
    05/17/2008, 04:37 AM
    wooo registered but.... 
    Flyguy4580 avatar Posts count: 3 wooo im finally registered but the download is killer 340 hours.... thats impossible any fast dl links available?
    05/17/2008, 10:02 AM
    Matschu Posts count: 1 I Have a question about the language

    must set the language bevor the registration to korean or its enough after the registration???

    Thanks for answers

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