Leveling advice | |
09/09/2007, 07:29 PM | Leveling advice |
kowro2 Posts count: 39 | Wasn't sure where to ask this, but I wanted to ask, does anyone have some leveling tips for an 8/7 Swordsman? Bandits are becoming kind of boring and not giving that much exp, lighthouse island is kind of similar, and merman kill too often :( Thanks! |
09/09/2007, 09:50 PM | |
Nuclear Posts count: 7 | quest till lvl 9, then, if you really want to grind that soon, kill mobs in the lighthouse beach. |
09/09/2007, 10:57 PM | |
kowro2 Posts count: 39 | then would u recommend questing for exp for even longer than lvl 9? ive been grindin cuz it seems like quests dont give much jexp |
09/10/2007, 01:19 PM | |
Nuclear Posts count: 7 | dont mind the experience, there are more important things you get doing quests: rufi and items. you MUST do all quests. |
09/19/2007, 04:53 AM | |
Nepenthe ![]() |
Yeah, do NOT skip the quests! They help out with the items so much! And all the exp you get from them adds up, because it's a lot of quests. You'll have to grind later if you rush all the quests and then run out till you level again. >: I keep doing that. It sucks lmao. (Didn't happen till Prontera around level 15) |
09/19/2007, 05:42 AM | |
kowro2 Posts count: 39 | Thanks, guess I'll finish up my few remaining quests in Hodemines then move on to Prontera quests. I'm a lvl 13 Swordsman now. Will leveling get easier or harder at some point? |
09/19/2007, 06:16 PM | |
miria ![]() |
hehe. in 4 or 5 days i made Lv 1 to Lv 23 swordsman. but my korean friend is better than me. we were doing a race level up rush. on his 5th day he was already LV 25. i got beaten'd. our only trick for leveling is. patience and perseverance. no need for all the quest or enchanting your weapon with rune stone or klano stone (because its way too expensive!) only tip is dont kill monsters whoes Lv is lower than yours. find a better one or same level as yours who's easy to kill. but i also have a secret way. which is i only keep it for myself~ lolololol. most of my friends in our server says im really fast at lvling. @_@ but my friend korean beaten me T_T |
09/19/2007, 06:31 PM | |
kowro2 Posts count: 39 | Aw, not even a hint? :( I'm level 14 now and grinding already feels slow...it takes tens of thousands of exp to level, but when I kill mobs a few levels above me I get like, 100 something exp. |
09/19/2007, 09:13 PM | |
miria ![]() |
if you dont have any idea at all. the first thing you do is explore and analyze monsters near your level and try killing and notice their exp rates. there is no shortcut to leveling up regardless of what ever job you choose. well since that your inexperienced i think you better explore much about the game. if your having a hard time killing lvl 9, 10, 11 monsters. increase your weapons level! How To Increase Your Weapons Level for beginners. -kill weak suckers. period. (althou this kind of trick is mostly kept to themselves by most players) well i dont really care about that and you'll notice this eventually. so go to the Lv 1-3 monsters and level up your weapon. beat my score of killing 600 suckers in 60 minutes. that is my normal mode. i hav'nt timed my hardcore mode of lvling my weapon. ... actually it's not advicable for me to spoil you. i think you'd enjoy the game if you'd try to figure things out yourself. lol |
09/20/2007, 12:02 PM | Thank you |
Tanzaki Posts count: 4 | Thanks for all the tips :3 |