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    unable to connect server
    02/29/2008, 01:57 PM
    unable to connect server 
    hasyim1987 avatar Posts count: 30 something wrong this " ragnarok Online 2", i cannot enter the website, the lunch ok but is blank, when i enter the game is become like this

    is blank information there how come?

    i enter the ID and PW is say " unbale to connect to the Login Server " the now what ? izzit soemthing wrong ?

    FAQ :

    1) izzit you guys can enter the game RagII ?
    2) izzit mine problem for Game RagII ?
    03/18/2008, 12:40 PM
    Re: unable to connect server 
    ASTP Posts count: 1 I have the same problem... I was able to connect to it yesterday...
    05/26/2008, 03:49 AM
    icikiro Posts count: 16 i also had same problem. I tried hundread proxy
    but always the "fail connection' occured..
    soo retarded..#_#... someone know to settle this prob??
    plezz.. *_*
    05/26/2008, 06:21 AM
    xenozelda Posts count: 4
    Quote (icikiro)
    i also had same problem. I tried hundread proxy
    but always the "fail connection' occured..
    soo retarded..#_#... someone know to settle this prob??
    plezz.. *_*

    Hmm, i have tried using easy2game for proxy program, but it seems to cause problems too. I found another program called Proxifier and using the same proxy list, i am able to login. However it disconnects me after 1min or so. So i'm stuck as well

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