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    Ragnarok the Animation
    10/06/2007, 04:16 PM
    Ragnarok the Animation 
    Shazza Posts count: 2 Makes sense if you've played the first game and have seen the anime. It was pretty good.
    01/07/2008, 11:57 PM
    Blackbird avatar Posts count: 5 Of course I have seen Ragnarok in anime and it's really good also the game
    01/19/2008, 12:58 AM
    Ragnarok and tha animation 
    suraki avatar Posts count: 17 both is sweet and awsome but the animation needs a little more story value like not just expanded short parts of the story just made bigger to fit in a 30 minite time frame but supposed to be a 5 minute segment

    what im sayin it needs a better story board and no more cheesy skill close ups the show must be like the game but only anime version where people often use skills not just for special bosses and stuff ...more characters? it would be better

    b ut I LOVE THE CURRENT CHARACTERS the way they are drawn are sweet <( )>_<( )> *drools

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