1. Gain items from monsters
When you defeat a monster, you may win items in addition to experience. To retrieve items from a defeated monser, approch the defeated monster and right click on the monster or press the 'E' key.Click on the items the monster has, and they will automatically be included in your inventory.
Obtaining items from a monster. |
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2. Seeing Item Infomation
You can immediately check the items you've obtain them from a monster in your item inventory. Pressing the 'I' button will bring up your 'Possessions' window, which displays all the items you currently possess. This display also includes items you've just obtained from a monster.
3. Using items
It is possible to 'Use' certain items. A prime example of Useable items is things like 'Potions'. Consuming an item has various results. To use an item, hover your curser over an item and right click on the item. A menu listing the various things you can do with this item will appear: One of the things you can do is 'Use' the items.
If it's not a 'Use'able item, the 'Use' option will not appear.
4. Discarding Items
the number of items a character can possess is limited to 100 items. You can discard unused items or items you don't need to make room for other items.You cannot drop items on the ground in Ragnarok 2, so discarded items are destroyed.
To discard an item, move your curser over the item you want to discard, and then right click on it. A menu listing the various ways you can use that item will appearChose 'Discard' to discard that certain item. Once an item is discarded, it cannot be recovered, so please be careful when discarding items.
5. Trading Items
In order to trade with another character, approch the character and right click on your tradee. By doing so, a green circle will appear around your tradee, and on the right of the screen a window displaying the tradee's character information and menu buttons will appear.
Approach the character you want to initiate a trade. |
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Right click the character you want to trade. |
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Select Menu button and choose Trade. |
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After requesting a trade, wait for the tradee's permission. |
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Once the tradee approves the trade,you can exchange Zeny and Items. |
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Place the items you would like to offer in the trade in your side of the trade window from your inventory window. |
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After you've placed the items you want to trade in the trade window, press'Confirm'. A red outline will appear over your trade window. At this point, you cannot change the items you have chose to trade. |
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Once there is approval of the trade from both sides, a window notifyingthe completion of the trade pops up. |
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The currency in Ragnarok Online 2 |
Ragnarok Online 2 uses two different currencies. There is "Zeny" from RaganrokOnline 1, and an additional currency added in Raganarok Online 2 called "Rufi"."Zeny" is teh biggest bill in the Ragnarok World, and is equivalent to 10,000 Rufi. |
1 Zeny = 10,000 Rufi |
6. Quick Slot
It isn't easy to use frequently consumed items such as potions only through the 'Possessions' window.Therefore, you can place frequently used items in the Quick slot and use those items by pressing the Number keys.
To designate an item in a Quick slot, left click on the item and drag it over to a Quick Slot. To remove an item from a quick slot, left click on the Quick Slot and drag and drop the icon outside the quick slot.
User Key | Function |
1 | Use First quick Slot. |
2 | Use Second Quick Slot. |
3 | Use Third Quick Slot. |
4 | Use Fourth Quick Slot |
5 | Use Fifth Quick Slot. |
6 | Use Sixth Quick Slot. |
7 | Use Seventh Quick Slot. |
8 | Use Eigth Quick slot. |
9 | Use Nineth Quick Slot. |
0 | Use Tenth Quick Slot. |
- | Use Eleventh Quick Slot. |
= | Use Twelvth Quick Slot. |
[ | Move to previous Quick Slot page. |
] | Move to next Quick Slot page. |
Ctrl | Move to previous Quick Slot page. |
Alt | Move to next Quick Slot page. |
Ctrl +Number | Use Quick Slot from previous page. |
Alt +Number | Use Quickslot from next page. |
Ctrl + Alt +Number | Quick Change between Quick slot Pages. |
7. Using the blacksmith.
You can repair weapons and defensive gear at the Blacksmith, in addition to leveling up and morphing your weapon. The first thing you should do in the event that something goes wrong with your Weapon or Gear is see the Blacksmith.Repairing Gear.
Each weapon and gear has its own item integrity.This Integrity decreases each time you are attack or be attacked by a monster. When a gear's Integrity reaches '0',You won't be able to use that weapon or gear until it is repaired. To repair a weapon or defensive gear, take it to the blacksmith and chose to 'Repair' it.
Two windows will come up when you select 'Repair'. The one on the left lists the gear you have that is possible to repair. The repairable item's name and current Integrity is displayed, and at the way bottom of the window is the amount of Zeny and Rufi you have at the moment. The window on the right shows the items you are about to have repaired b the blacksmith. To have items repaired cick and drag over any items under the Repairable Gear list and click "Repair" to have them restored.
Changing Weapon Type.
You can change your weapon's type in Ragnarok Online 2. Changing the weapon's type also means tha the appearance of your weapon changes. You can make a Short Sword into a Long Sword, or a Long Sword into a Dampflinte -- a gun.This is called 'Changing Weapn Type', and this can only be done at the Blacksmith. To change your Weapon's type, go to the Blacksmith and select'Change Weapon Type' in the dialogue window.
Once you chose 'Change Weapon Type', a list of weapons that can have their type changed appears on the right. Chose the weapon you'd like to have the weapon type changed.
Upgrading a Weapon.
Weapons in Ragnarok Online 2 grow with their characters. A weapon gains experience each time you use it. There's a limited amount of experience a weaponcan accumulate per level. When a weapon reaches its maximum experience capacity, take it to a blacksmith to have it upgraded into its next level. Talk to the blacksmith and choose 'Upgrade Weapon' to have it leveled up.
You can choose the weapon you want to evolve under the 'Evolve Weapon' menu. There is a fee to having your weapon evolved, so many sure you have enoug money to have your weapon forged beforegoing ahead with your upgrade. The blacksmith will check that you have enough money to have the weapon upgraded and will change it to the next level.
Changing the Weapon's Added Name.
A weapon has a different added name it can have that is added after the weapon's given name. With each level, there's an additional last name you can give your weapon. There are different available added names per each level, and each time a weapon is upgraded, you can choose a different added name for your weapon. You can also simply chang eyour weapon's added name without having to upgrade it. To change your weapon's added name, select the 'Change Added name' in the blacksmith menu.
Choose which weapon you want to rename and click "Confirm" to change the weapon's added name. There is a fee to change your weapons' added name, so make sure you have enough funds before clicking 'Confirm'.