Starting the game
1. Starting the Launcher
The game can be started by double clicking Ragnarok2.exe with your left mouse button. The first application that loads is called the Launcher, and its works as a game patcher and game-related notice board. Anytime the game is altered, updated information is sent to each outdated client. This process may take some time. If there has been no changes since your last patching or if the patching process completes, you can click Start to begin the game.

2. Running the Game
Once the launcher is done patching, you can click the 'Start' button. Clicking the 'Start' button will begin the game. While the game is loading, you can press Alt + Enter to change between Full Screen Mode and Window Mode.
3. Logging into the game
When the login screen appears, enter your ID and Password. Then click on the 1st button - "Login."

4. Selecting a server
You can select which server you would like to play in the Server Select Window. Your characters are available on all the servers, but characters cannot communicate with each other from different servers. Therefore, if you want to play with friends,you must all log into the same server. Select the server where you want to play, and click "Connect" to continue. If you would like to switch accounts, click the "Back" button to return to the login window.