User Key | Function |
Tab | Get a placeholder ticket with the nearest NPC. |
Shift + Tab | Get a placeholder ticket with the furthest NPC. |
F7 | Target the nearest NPC. |
F8 | Target the closeest PC. |
Keypad0 | Target NPCs and PCs around you; NPCs first. |
Keypad. | Target NPCs and PCs around you; PCs first. |
ESC | Untarget. |
F | Automatically battle with the target. |
Q | Change Weapons. |
Z | Put away weapon. / Take out weapon. |
E | Pick up items from a nearby corpse. |
Keypad1 | Automatically battle with the target. |
Keypad3 | Change Weapons. |
1. How to see the screen.
Equipted Gear Indicator Window.
This window shows you the gear you are wearing at the moment. you can carry up to two different weapons around and change between teh two of them using the 'Q' button.
Equipted Gear Display. |
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HP/SP Display Window.
This window displays the Character's Vitality) and Mental Strength.The HP indicates your character's vitality, and when it reaches 0, you wil be in a state referred to as 'Immobile'. In the 'Immobile' state, you cannot move. the only thing you can do is respawn to your last 'Home Point'. Be careful not to let your HP reach 0 while fighting a monster.
The SP refers to the character's Mental Strength. Sp is mainly consumed when performing skills. You won't become 'Immobile' even if your SP reaches 0, but you will be at a disadvantage when combatting because you won't be able to use any skills.
HP/SP Display Window. |
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2. Finding a combat opponent.
Let's look for a monster in the area. Monsters usually spawn in either villages or fields, but there tends to be more monsters in fields than in villages. 'Hodmimes Adventurer's Training Ground' is considered a field rather than a village, so there are more monsters there than a village. Unripe Pukui is an appropriate opponent for newbie Adventurers. If you find an 'Unripe Pukui', move closer to it.
Approch the monster you want to attack. |
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3. Attacking.
Targetting a monster.
In order to attack the monster, you must target the monster first. You can target a nearby monster by left clicking on it. It may be difficult to click on the monster since monsters tend to continuously move around. In this case, press the 'TAB' key to automatically select the closest monster.
When you target a monster, a circle will appear around it. |
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Approch the monster. Move your character so that it is face to face with the monster, then press the 'F' key or use right clicking to begin attacking the monster.Don't stop until the monster reaches the 'Immobile' state. While in combat, you canuse an 'Attack Skill', but since you haven't learned any, you will just have to keep attacking the monster until it become immobile.
Only when you are facing a monster can you attack it. Be aware that if you look elsewhere while fighting a monster, it'll become impossible to attack the monster.
Target the monster then press 'F' to begin combat. |
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Combat Damage Display.
During combat, the damage exchanged between you and the monster is displayedabove your heads. The red numbers are the damage the character has taken, and the orange numbers are the damage done to the monster. When a monster is deafeated, the character gains 'Character Experience' and 'Job Experience'.
CXP represents Character Experience, and JXP represents Job Experience.
This character has gained Character Experience and Job Experience. |
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