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The place you are standing right now is the 'Hodmimes Adventurer's Training Ground'. This is the place where newbie adventurers learn the basics of survival, such as combat, adventuring, and how to live on the Midgard Continent. Image 9 Hodmimes Adventurer's Training Ground.

1. Moving the Camera and other Basic Keys.

Looking Around

First, let's try looking around at your surroundings. In order to look around yourself, hold down right click and move the mouse around. The visible screen will change according to how you move your mouse.

Zooming in and out

Push the mouse wheel upwards to zoom in, and downwards to zoom out.

Zoom In
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Zoom Out

2. Moving your Character

User Key Function
W Move foward.
S Turn around and run. (Backstep in Lock-on)
A Run to the left
D Run to the right.
Keypad8 Move Toward.
Keypad2 Turn around and run.(Backstep in Lock-on)
Keypad4 Run to the left.
Keypad6 Run to the right.
Space Jump.
Num Lock Run foward automatically.
Arrow Key^ Look up.
Arrow Keyˇ Look down.
Arrow Key‹ Look to the left.
Arrow Key› Look to the right.
PageUp Camera Zoom in.
PageDown Camera Zoom Out.
Enter Change to conversation mode.
Insert Sit.
Keypad+ Full screen the conversation window.

1. Moving fowards and backwards

Press ‘W’ to run foward,and the ‘S’ to run back. If you press the ‘NumLock’ key,your character will continue running until it bumps into an obsticle.

Running foward
Running foward
Running back
Running back

2. Changing directions left and right

The ‘A’ key and the‘S’ key can change the running direction to the left and right.While holding down the 'W' key, if you also hold down the 'A' key, your character will begin running to the left, and if you hold down the 'S' key, your character will begin running to the right.

Running left
Running left
Running right
Running right
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